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Crossgates Primrose's club colours are primrose yellow and royal blue. The choice of the yellow is, not unreasonably, said to be for the flower which the club is in part named.


However, in his book A Scottish Football Hall of Fame, John Cairney makes reference to the Primrose in his section on Jim Baxter. He states that “they owed their name to their Rosebery colours rather than their dainty football”.


Now Rosebery colours are not yellow and blue as anyone who knows their horse racing will tell you…


So maybe John Cairney was incorrect regarding Crossgates colours. If there is a connection, however tenuous, with the Earls of Rosebery why not call the club Crossgates Rosebery? Is it because the family name of the Earls of Rosebery in in fact...Primrose.

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